I Don’t Think I Like Destiny

I’m going to preface all of this with the note that I am in a pretty exasperated state right now because of this game. Like Titanfall, it was a new FPS franchise from a company with a large and successful history behind it. Bungie, creators of the Halo series, coming out with a new franchise. Even I expected something of quality, even if I didn’t really care about a new FPS on a console. I had no plans of playing it either until my sister came home with the white PS4 bundle. Might as well, right? It’s free for me, no expectations except for “quality”. At this point, however, I can say that I’m glad I got to play it for free because if this game did come out on PC and I did buy it, I think I’d be pissed off.

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A Day With Titanfall

This weekend, Origin is allowing you to play Titanfall for free for 48 hours. I’m not a big FPS player anymore. I hit my high point of those some time back in the early and mid 2000’s with such games as Counter-Strike 1.6, Day of Defeat and all the Call of Duties up to 4. Since then I’ve been on a pretty hard streak of playing games such as DotA and, in turn, Dota 2 and other games in the aRTS genre plus some other “endless” single player games like Skyrim. This is partly the reason why, despite “gaming” being in the headline of the flippin’ blog, I haven’t talked about it at all. My computer gaming time is pretty confined to multiplayer games without a real end life. I took a break from my usual fare to play Titanfall, a game which I thought was interesting but felt very off when they were showing it around pre-release. However, it’s free to play right now so I have no reason not to try it, even if I’m just confirming my thoughts.

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